Write for us
Thanks for your interest in Culturally Modified. We are a quarterly online publication sharing stories and inspiration about the management of our cultural resources, both physical and intangible. Our writers are people-loving, culture-obsessed, enthusiasm-wielding life-embracers of all stripes. Our readers live within British Columbia, Canada and far beyond; they are looking to absorb more of the world around them through research, stories, news and mixed media. Our articles range from a few hundred to about 1,000 words, depending on topic and content. (If you submit a piece that provides an overview of a larger research document, we’d be happy to share a link to the original.)
When pitching, let us know a little about yourself, such as your experience as a writer and with the topic. Outlining your idea, let us know how many words you plan on submitting, where in our publication you think it would fit and whether there are photos available to accompany the piece. Culturally Modified is a visually driven website and we give precedence to stunning imagery.
In each issue, we aim to create a balance between original research, current journalistic stories, and articles that highlight wisdom and lived experience. We strive to be accessible, so plain English is appreciated. We expect to see the rigorous use of sources for any facts for any statements made in a piece, and quotes and attribution must be used where applicable.
Culturally Modified prefers writing that is smart but easily digestible. Our readers want to learn and be challenged, but they don’t want to wade through an avalanche of verbiage to get there. We are also a multi-media publication, so pitches for audio interviews, short videos and photos essays are welcome.
If you have an idea that you think would fit our publication, drop us a note and introduce yourself! We’re always on the lookout for interesting people with engaging prose and fresh worldviews. As a non-profit society, we do pay our writers an honourarium, although we offer the opportunity to become a supporter by donating it back to the publication! Please note that payments outside Canada can only be processed by Canadian cheque or PayPal account.
We ask for your patience during up to two rounds of edits before a piece is accepted for publication (we want it to be perfect for our readers!) and note that, once published, we cannot change, alter or remove a piece of writing posted to our website. Please ensure your draft is complete when submitting. We reserve the right to include appropriate images that fit the theme and content of the piece, if none are made available. We also reserve the right to turn down a piece at any time before publication.
Culturally Modified buys first print and online serial rights within Canada, which are paid upon acceptance of your submission. Although we will initially publish your piece online, popular articles may also appear in a print anthology. We reserve the right to reproduce text and images for advertising purposes or promoting your work on social media.
Thanks for your interest. Please contact us with your pitches. We look forward to hearing from you!