Policing Indigenous Dissent: Trends Behind Wet’suwet’en Raid
This article was originally published in January 2019. It remains just as relevant today…
This article was originally published in January 2019. It remains just as relevant today…
In this fascinating account, Sean O’Rourke shares his experience living among the Eveny peoples in Siberia…
Our Marketing and Communications Manager, Joanne Campbell, selected this article for her staff pick…
Our Editor, Délani Valin selected this article as her staff pick for the Best of Culturally Modified Issue…
Water has a fundamental place in most religions, and the ways in which religious waters work in society…
Water is a basic human need and our reflexive relationship with it has had a tremendous effect on shaping culture…
I was in Kenya with my baby daughter in 2013, setting up a study on the impacts of food insecurity during pregnancy…
Long before the #MeToo movement went viral, the phrase “me too” was first evoked in a face-to-face communication rather than digital communication. In…
It’s July 2015 and, after leaving Canada some 40 hours prior, I find myself on a tiny plane descending rapidly into Quinhagak, Alaska, an out-of-the-way Yup’ik…
Recent research published in Nature sheds new light on what we know about one of humanity’s great mysteries: the migration of people to the New World…
The recent raid against the Gitdumt’en camp on unceded Wet’suwet’en territory grabbed national attention, focusing much-needed discussion on land claims…
The question of how to find meaning in life has puzzled humans for perhaps as long as our species has existed. Finding meaning—to feel life has purpose and…
On American Thanksgiving weekend, United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents gassed children…
If you’re like me, your work day started something like this: Sit down at computer. Check email. Check social media. Get drawn into…
Time is seen in a particularly different light by Eastern and Western cultures, and even within these groupings assumes quite dissimilar…
I was raised to understand time as linear and, as I get older, I reflect on the years that have passed and how they uniquely contribute…
In New Zealand, and probably most places, the answer to this question is multifaceted. Often, people resort to stereotypes: the soccer mom yelling…
Archaeology is generally defined as the study of material culture (that is, things) as a means of understanding peoples’ lives and their environments…